Google Classroom - Class Code Options

By far the quickest and easiest way to enroll students into your Google Classroom Class is through self-enrollment with the Class Code.  There are several options you have with the Class Code that are hidden in a drop-down you should be aware of.

1. Display: display the class code for projection so your students can easily see it. 

You can even click the icon to have it go full screen:

2. Copy: copies the class code unto the computer clipboard.

3. Reset: will reset the code to a new one if needed.  (Note: after disabling your class code, if you Enable the class code back on it will automatically provide a new code.)

4.  Disable: disables the use of the class code. So, for instance, if all your students are enrolled and you don't want the code shared out so "others" lurk in your class.

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