REMC - Introducing MiTechKids

A powerful, new resource for K-5 educators
Introducing MiTechKids, a new resource for integrating technology into activities in the classroom, preparing students for real world success. The MiTechKidssite was formerly known as and over the summer, received an easier-to-remember new name.
MiTechKids was developed by a team of Michigan-based education technology and media specialists from ISDs and local school districts to provide important technology learning and lessons for K-5 students. The resources are organized by grade level and support the Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students (MITECS) competencies and the International Society for Technology in Education (ITSE) standards. MiTechKids is provided by the REMC Association of Michigan, and free to everyone.

MiTechKids provides short activity lessons (20-30 minutes) created for teachers that provide ideas and resources for integrating free technology resources into the classroom curriculum. Task Cards contain: 
  • Learning Objectives
  • Vocabulary
  • Pre-planning suggestions
  • Accommodations
  • Steps
  • Assessment Options
  • Standards
  • Device or Browser specific recommendations
  • Content area suggestions
On the MiTechKids dashboard, select the Task Card Index to filters the cards by Title, Grade, ISTE Standard, App/Program, Content and Creator. Although the Task Cards have been assigned a grade level and standard, many encompass multiple standards and grades depending on how the teacher uses the activity with the students. The cards can easily be modified, and some have extended activities so they can be used at lower or higher grade levels. 

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