Wildlife Curricula from Michigan DNR

From the Michigan Department of Natural Resources -

Michigan teachers can get wildlife – wildlife topics, that is  in the classroom!
Registration is open for wildlife classroom curricula available to elementary through high school educators. Curricula fit current state educational standards and are free of charge. 

K-5th grades

Go Wild for Michigan’s Wildlife introduces elementary students to a variety of species found throughout Michigan and their habitats. Included in the materials are sets of "critter cards" for each student to keep. Sets of the cards are limited and are issued on a first-come, first-served basis to Michigan educators who register. 

6th-8th grades

Students can learn about Michigan black bears – from their life history to how the DNR manages populations – with A Year in the Life of a Michigan Black BearStudents get to “follow” black bears' movements by looking at actual location data from collared bears.
They also can get an introduction to wetland habitats and the ducks, geese and swans that call Michigan home with Michigan’s Wondrous Wetlands and Waterfowl 

9th-12th grades

One hundred years ago, wild elk were brought to Michigan to re-establish our state’s elk population. High school students are put in the role of a wildlife manager while learning about this conservation success story through Elk UniversityThese lessons also include Michigan history, forest management and social considerations for wildlife management.
Register for wildlife classroom curricula and learn about additional opportunities the DNR has to offer educators by visiting michigan.gov/dnreducation

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