Google Classroom - Create a New Classroom & Set the Theme

With a new school year upon us, several teachers are looking to use Google Classroom to help, among other things, with the permissions and sharing of Google Drive files.  With some new features, Classroom just continues to be a valuable tool that help with efficiency in document management (my opinion).

For those of you new to Classroom, here is how you get started.  And, a note, these steps might take you 2 minutes max - and that is if you take a LONG time to select your theme ;-)

To create a new Classroom and set the theme -

1. Go to Classroom by either typing into a browser URL address bar  OR go to the waffle and click the classroom icon

2. Click on the + in the upper right corner

3. In the pop-up window, click on Create class

4.  A window will appear to give your class information - you are REQUIRED to give it a name (surprise), but the other fields are optional.  Once down, click on CREATE in the bottom right

5. To select a theme (if you don't want the randomly assigned one), click on Select Theme in the bottom right of the banner

6. Select your theme

7. If you want to add a custom image to the banner, click Upload photo in the bottom right of the banner.  You will be prompted to find and add the image you want to use

That's it - your course is created and ready to use!

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