Google Classroom - Using the Stream for Announcements Only!

Organization is huge for Google Classroom - both for you and your students.  One key can be ONLY using the Stream for announcements.  

(Here is the short video for this topic: Using Your Stream for Announcements.)

Designating and setting up your stream as only being used for announcements keeps it "clean" and allows students to easily find past announcements - they are not buried among other notifications.  To do this, you will want to change 2 of your classroom settings.

First, go to the G Classroom settings by clicking the Gear in the upper right corner

Second, change the following 2 items shown in the box below - 
1. Make the stream so students cannot add new posts by selecting either of the other 2 options (that students can only comment OR only the teacher can post and comment)
2. Hide all notifications of classwork from the stream

This will simplify your stream so that only posts YOU (and any co-teachers) add show up.  
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Thank you for joining us for this episode of Technology Tidbits, brought to you by MelindaWaffle (Calhoun Intermediate School District), and CJ Walker and Du Bui (Jackson County Intermediate School District)

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