Google Sheets - Modifications for Trivia Game Show type Activity from Flippity,

Yesterday I shared how to set up a Game Show from Flippity's template (and work into scripting!).  Today's post is about other modifications that can be made to your game -

There are a few modifications that can be made.
1. If you want to set up fewer questions, you can put a capital X in for a category name (row 2) to exclude that column-
2. Likewise, if you use a capital X in a question box in the first category (this would be column B) it will eliminate that value for all categories. In my example, I put an X in for the question in cell B7 to eliminate the 300 value questions.
3. You can add an image - with or without text - to a question or answer by using [[Image:URL_for_image]] (note the capital I for Image)

 4. You can add a video by using [[YouTube_Share_URL]] -

5. When in play mode, you can change team names by clicking on the name -
6. Again in play mode, change the number of teams by using the + and - sign under the team list-
It does reset each time you open it from the link, so it's easy to use with back-to-back groups of students.

Tomorrows post is on game play -

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