MeL Minute - Google Drive and Google Classroom Tip Sheets

For Google Apps for Education Schools - Did you know there is now integration between many of the databases in MeL and Google?  Very easy to use, and you can know your students are using good resources by using the databases provided on their site!

From Eunice Borrelli at MeL -

This is an update to the November 19, 2015 MeL Minute detailing the partnership between Gale Cengage and Google to integrate use of Google in Gale databases.  The Google tools are now available in InfoTrac products such as Kids InfoBits and Opposing Viewpoints in Context, GVRL, and others.  Gale Cengage has created Tip Sheets on Google Drive Integration and Google Classroom Integration which we now link to in the MeL Promotion & Training Gateway under the Gale classification. 
Each tip sheet provides step-by-step instructions for how to utilize the tools from within Gale databases to share and download content and are presented as PDFs for easy access and local printing.  These two tip sheets are among the over 70 product tip sheets and guides provided by Gale which are also linked to on MeL.

MeL Minutes are brought to you by the Library of Michigan.  Want more information on MeL?  Stay tuned for next week’s MeL Minute available on many Michigan library listservs, email us at or visit  We encourage you to share MeL Minutes with your public service colleagues.

Registration is now open for the next MCLS MeL Databases training webinar. Over a quarter million Michigan residents speak Spanish. MeL is there to help serve their information needs. Join us on February 24, at 9:30 am, for a brief, half hour free webinar focused on MeL resources for Spanish speakers.

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