Twuffer - An Online Way to Schedule Tweets

Recently I was looking for a way to schedule tweets for my work Twitter account without using an application (such as TweetDeck).  I was on a device that was not my own, and had a need for this. 

Enter twuffer - I stumbled across this (ok - really got it as a result of a Google search), and after exploring it found it to be the near-perfect tool for the job.

To use twuffer, you first need to sign in using your Twitter account - if you are already logged into Twitter, simply clicking on the box will do it as it uses Twitter's API
Then you need to authorize twuffer for use with your Twitter account-
The first time you authorized it, you will need to establish 1 setting - your timezone. 
That's it for setup!  It is now ready to use.  Just 1. enter your tweet, 2. set the date you want it to go out, 3. set the time, and 4. click Schedule Tweet.  That's it!
It keeps a nice list of scheduled tweets, set tweets and failed tweets you can refer back to.  Very easy way to schedule tweets without downloading another app to all your devices. 

Thanks to , for creating such a slick little helper in @twuffer!

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