2020 United States Senate Youth Program

Do you know any high school juniors or senior interested in pursuing a career in public service?  If so, share this opportunity with them!

The United States Senate Youth Program, established in 1962 by U.S. Senate Resolution, is a unique educational experience for outstanding high school students interested in pursuing careers in public service. The 58th annual program will be held in Washington, D.C., from March 7-14, 2020. It provides an opportunity for qualified high school juniors and seniors to deepen their understanding of America’s political processes. Please make sure this opportunity is available to all interested students.

Applications are due Friday, October 4, 2019 by 5pm EST.  

Learn more about the program at the 2020 United States Senate Youth Program website.

Michigan residents - refer to this MDE memo.

(Please note that all schools are responsible for the administration of the USSYP Qualifying Examination and Essay, which is to be proctored onsite by a teacher or administrator from the district.)

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