REMC PLAYDATE - New Teacher Academy


The New Teacher Playdate is approaching!

Can you think of someone who is new to education and might benefit from professional development that centers on technology in the classroom? On January 29 Lenawee ISD is hosting an opportunity to collaborate with other new Michigan educators, to not only learn about using technology in the classroom, but explore it. The link to the Smore for more information and registration is below.  If you have any questions, please email or call. Thank you!

Topics include:
  • Managing Technology in the Classroom
  • Integrating Technology into the content areas
  • The use of REMC projects
    • 21things4students
    • MiTechKids
    • Classroom Makers
  • MITECS - Age Band Articulation
  • Computer Science Standards
  • Grants - how to find them and apply for them

The 2019-20 P.L.A.Y.D.A.T.E. schedule is now available! In addition to the traditional Playdates, there are a few theme focused events. Please share with other Michigan teachers. 


  • REMC 6, Bay Arenac ISD, Focus: Counselor Edition, September 25, 2019
  • REMC 14E, Genesee ISD, October 4, 2019
  • REMC 5, GIRESD (Winding Brook), October 18, 2019
  • Battle Creek Math and Science Center, Focus: Assistive Technology, November 15, 2019
  • REMC 12W, Lenawee ISD, Focus: New Teacher Academy, January 29, 2020 - Flyer
  • REMC 20, Wayne RESA, February 12, 2020
  • REMC 12W & REMC 8, Kent ISD, May 4, 2020

-the PLAYDATE team (Anthony, Keith, Justin, Joe and Kellie)

New to PLAYDATEs? This may help - 


PLAYDATE is a new kind of conference event.

NO presenters. NO agenda. Just PLAYing.
Think about the last time you attended an ed tech professional learning event. Oftentimes we leave full of new knowledge and a list overflowing with new apps, programs and skills to try out. However, once we return to the "real world" we lack the time and support to actually try out these new tools.
At PLAYDATEs educators from around the area join together for a few hours and just play. They work together to learn about ed tech apps, programs and tools with one another. There are no presenters, no experts and no agenda. Simply time to play, tinker and explore all at no cost!

Follow us on Twitter at #playdatemi.

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