Google email - Link to Email in Calendar
There are many times that I don't have time to deal with an email, but want to make sure that I don't forget about it. The simplest way to do this is by the Create Event option (which I talked about a couple weeks ago). However, there are times this is a pain if there are lots of people on the email chain whom I really don't want to go through and delete as possible guests.
So here is another method that will work-
Each email has a unique URL - you can highlight & copy that URL to use elsewhere.
I often paste it into a new event so I can refer back to it...and I then have also scheduled time to address the issue/email since it is added to my calendar. This works even if the email is archived, so you can archive the email once you have put the URL into an event! (Just don't trash those email.)
If you have email notifications set up on the event, the URL appears as an active hyperlink in the notification so you can quickly get to the email from the notification.
So here is another method that will work-
Each email has a unique URL - you can highlight & copy that URL to use elsewhere.
I often paste it into a new event so I can refer back to it...and I then have also scheduled time to address the issue/email since it is added to my calendar. This works even if the email is archived, so you can archive the email once you have put the URL into an event! (Just don't trash those email.)
If you have email notifications set up on the event, the URL appears as an active hyperlink in the notification so you can quickly get to the email from the notification.