MeL - Updated Teacher Resources

If you are a Michigan Educator and you use MeL with your students, you should be aware of the following:

From Christine Schneider, K-12 Education Specialist Michigan eLibrary

 Since MeL's redesign a couple weeks ago, I have updated the "Overview of MeL for K-12" Slide Deck ( slides 9 and 11, and also have a Notes Handout K-12 ( that I use when training.  Both of these files are linked in the MeL Teachers Training Toolkit.  Feel free to use! 

Also, a few things to note with the redesign that people are missing - 

1. You can access the old MeL portals such as Michigana and Books and Literacy if you scroll to the bottom of the home page.

2. MeLCat is the new home page.

3. Access to MeL's social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are located all the way at the bottom on the MeL homepage.

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