Google Classroom - Add a Quiz Assignment

The Quiz assignment is a bit different than other items in Classroom.  It actually creates a new form that is created from a template that has the quiz features of a form turned on and setup.  What is nice about using this instead of providing a link to a form from Classroom: you can use a locked mode (if students are using Chromebooks managed by your domain), the results of the "quiz" can be loaded back into Classroom, and the Quiz settings are already turned on for you within the form.  All of these help save time, and keep your students where they should be :)

To create a Quiz Assignment in the Classwork area:

Within the Classroom, click Classwork at the top -

Click on the Create button -

Select Quiz assignment -

This will bring up the window that is similar to other types of items you might add.  There are a few differences -

1. You can use a locked mode if students are using Chromebooks are managed by your domain
2. You can choose to import grades from the form into your Classroom gradebook

After you have set the basics, you click on the Blank Quiz (called that by the template initially) -

This will open another window with the form.  Be sure to change the 1. Name and 2. Title of the quiz (this will be reflected in Classroom when you save the assignment) -

After that, create your quiz using the form.  If you need to learn more about Forms, you might want to check out our Technology Tidbits section on Google Forms. 

Once you are finished, and the form has saved, you can close that window/tab and return to your Classroom.  After you assign it, it will display in the Classwork section, and students will be able to take the quiz -

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