Google Calendar - How to Delete a Calendar

Sometimes you just need to delete a calendar - you just don't need it anymore.  An example is the sample calendar I have been using for screenshots to create these posts when we wrap up with the tidbits on Calendar. 

There is one important distinction to note - when you delete a calendar, you delete it for EVERYONE.  So make sure no one else is using that calendar before you delete it.  If they are, you should instead Unsubscribe from the calendar (which will be tomorrow's episode).

(Here is a video on How to Delete a Calendar if you prefer.)

Go to your calendar list, and hover over the calendar you want to delete to find the Options menu (or More Menu) -

Choose Settings and sharing -

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the settings the option to delete is there.  Again, note that this deletes the calendar for EVERYONE, so only Delete it if no one is using it -

You will get a confirmation message verifying you wish to delete the calendar -

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