Michigan Social Studies Teachers Opportunity

Do you use the Mi Open Book in your social studies curriculum?  Are you interested in connecting with other teachers that also use it?  You will want to become part of this workgroup!

Social Studies Workgroup
What: A collaborative workgroup for Social Studies teachers to create and share additional support materials & activities to supplement the Mi Open Books
When: February 19 - Kickoff, project founder Dave Johnson will be joining us part of the day
Future Dates TBD based on need - may be in person or virtual
Where: Calhoun Intermediate School District; 17111 G Drive N; Marshall, MI
WhoSocial Studies teachers who use the Mi Open Books
Cost: FREE

Here is the agenda for the day:

Feb 19

8:30-9:00 Goals of the Workgroup & Opening Activities - 30 minutes
9:00-10:00 History of MI Open Book Project - Dave Johnson - 60 minutes
10:00-10:30 History of #GoOpen Project - 30 minutes
Goals of project
Explore #GoOpen Michigan Microsite (inc creating an account)
Become members of the Group
10:30-11:45 Break
10:45-11:30 Basics of OER Session - 45 minutes
Brief intro
What makes something an OER
How do I modify an OER
How do I remix several OER
11:30-12:15 Lunch
12:15-1:00 Creating OER Session - 45 minutes
Creating my CC License
How to share my materials
1:00-2:00 Checking for Quality - 60 minutes
Intro to Rubric
Using the Rubric
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15-2:45 Sharing OER with Group
2:45-3:00 Closing Activities - 30 minutes

Contact Melinda Waffle if you have questions or need more information.  

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