Google Calendar - Global Calendar Sharing

One of the most powerful features of an online calendar is the ability to share it.  You have 2 levels of sharing for each calendar you create.  This gives you total control over who can see AND edit events.  For today's post we will talk about the global setting.  Tomorrow there will be a post about how to provide permissions only to specific people.

(Here is a video on How to Share Your Calendar Globally if you prefer.)

To share your calendar:

Go to your calendar list, and hover over the calendar to find the Options menu (or More Menu) -

Choose Settings and sharing -

Scroll down to Access Permissions -

You have several options here.  The first option is whether your calendar is viewable to the public or not.   If you select to have it visible to the public, you can either have people see only free/busy time OR let them see all event details for items on your calendar -

The second option is the view-ability for people in your organization.  You can also select to have coworkers (and students if you are in a school) see either busy/free time or all event details.  There may be additional choices available here, depending on the settings determined by your G Suite administrator(s).  Regardless, your public settings can be stricter than your permissions for coworkers. 

If you select free/busy, when others view your calendar it will display like the following -

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