Google Classroom - How to Submit an Attachment

You will get an email notification when there is a new assignment in the course.  When there is a new assignment you may have to submit documents as attachments. When this occurs you are able to submit multiple files if needed.

To do this use the steps below.

Click on the “assignment” for the item you are submitting -
In the new window, look for the following:
  1. Area where templates might be shared for you to fill out
  2. The paper clip icon and word Add - this is what you click to add your submission
  3. Area to add private comments - these only go to the course instructors
  4. MARK AS DONE button - this will notify the course instructors

When you click on Add, select File -

Click on Select files from your computer -

Find the document you wish to add, click on it, then click Open -

1 - That document will be displayed as being ready to insert and
2 - you will have the ability to add other documents if you need to submit more than one.

Once you are finished adding your attachment(s), make sure to click on the blue MARK AS DONE button to notify the instructor it is complete.

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