Google Calendar - How to Set Your Working Hours

Did you know that you can set your work hours in your Google Calendar?  This will notify people if they are inviting you to a meeting outside your working hours.  You have total flexibility on which days AND your available hours for each individual day when setting this up - so as long as they are consistent on the day of the week you still should be able to use this.  This will also show you where to turn this off in case that is your preference. 

One note before I show you how to do this - Working Hours is a global setting, so it is the same for all your calendars.  You can not set individual working hours for each calendar you have.  :-)

(Here is a video on How to Set Your Working Hours if you prefer.)

To set your working hours:

Go to your calendar settings -

Once the settings are displayed, look for Working Hours in the left-hand menu -

When displayed you can:

  1. Enable/disable this feature at the checkbox
  2. Toggle on/off which days you are setting working hours for
  3. Setting your work time for each day
  4. If the work time is all the same every day, you can set the first and copy to all

When setting work work time (whether for 1 day or all), you can either:

  1. Type in the exact time
  2. Select a pre-loaded time (it is by half hour increments here)

That's it!  Once it is enabled and set, others that try to schedule a meeting outside of your established working hours will be notified that you might not be available.

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